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Your board likely has a strong network of connections who aren’t familiar with your organization yet. Get together with your board and map out potential constituents that could be an asset to your organization and the field of work your nonprofit specializes in. Have a game plan ready on how you can approach these potential constituents and get them involved in your organization’s efforts.
Try out some of these ways to get started:
Many of your potential donors are on social media and might not know of your organization yet. Think about your ideal donor and consider which social media platforms this person is likely to be on and focus on creating strong content that appeals to them.
Hosting a peer-to-peer fundraiser is a great way of getting your current constituents involved while also gaining new donors and supporters! If each of your supporters create a peer-to-peer fundraiser, this opens up your organization to each of their networks. Looking for tips on how to run a successful peer-to-peer campaign? Click Here.
Summer is a great time of year to get out into your community and meet potential supporters face to face. Events such as farmer’s markets, fairs, concerts, etc. are happening just about every week! Set up a table or booth with information and welcome packets and introduce your organization to the people within your community.
Your newsletter subscribe button should be easily accessible on your organization’s website. When someone new subscribes to your newsletter, this gives you immediate communication and a world of opportunity with this constituent. Embed a a “Join Our Mailing List” widget to your website or even as a pop up and start turning visitors into a potential donor, volunteer or event attendee.
When someone attends one of your organization’s events for the first time, make sure you maintain contact and follow up as soon as possible. Ask them how they enjoyed the event and make them aware of upcoming events, ways to get involved and how to donate.
Get creative and find out ways you can collaborate with local businesses. See if any restaurants would be willing to donate a portion of proceeds, collaborate on an event or even hang up fliers about your organization. This type of exposure will introduce your organization to new potential donors.
Take time to check out what similar organizations are doing to gain new donors and supporters through various methods, campaigns or events. Doing a simple comparison can inspire new ideas to bring into your organization. If you have friends or connections in other nonprofits, collaborate with them and give each other some new ideas and perspectives on how you can grow you donor list.