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DonorView guarantees that your organization will be able to raise funds greater than the previous period when you use DonorView software and services. The amount raised includes, but is not limited to, donations, memberships, events, auctions, and peer to peer fundraising. The measurement period would start at the beginning of your DonorView subscription and go through the end of your subscription period (“Subscription Duration”). The Subscription Duration would be measured against the previous months with the same duration as the Subscription Duration.
For example, if your subscription starts on 11/01/2021 and ends on 12/31/2022, then your Subscription Duration will be 14 months. Our guarantee states that you will be able to raise more funds in those 14 months than you did in the previous 14-month period (9/01/2020 to 10/31/2021).
Only the data stored in DonorView for both measurement periods will be used towards the calculation of funds raised. If total funds raised during your Subscription Duration do not exceed your organization’s prior period, as defined above, then DonorView will make a donation to your organization for an amount equal to your subscription fee (maximum of $5,000). This guarantee only applies to the subscription fee and does not apply to any fee, such as data conversion, support fee, etc.
To file a claim, send an email to within 30 days of your renewal date verifying that all conditions mentioned above have been met. Upon successful verification, DonorView will make a donation to your organization within 30 days from the date of the claim.
Our customers grew their revenue by more than 55% – 4 years in a row. Growth was measured by changes in online transaction processing from 2018-2021 via DonorView.